Air Fryer-ing
My mother-in-law loves to cook, and she is particularly good at it. She also loves to try the latest and greatest in countertop appliances. The problem is that she doesn’t use them, and she often ends up 'donating' them to us.
I used to eagerly say yes when she offered these brand new, expensive appliances but, I don’t have a lot of space and they were taking up prime real estate in my kitchen. For example, there is the big juicer/extractor. This juicer reminds me of the professional type you see at the juice bar in shopping malls. David and I were excited when the juicer was given to us, and we immediately went out and bought lots of fruits and vegetables and made a super healthy juice. That was the first and last time we used it. We found the process much too labor-intensive.
The juicer has been sitting in the kitchen cupboard ever since, so when she offered us the Air Fryer during our visit last year, I said a resounding no! A few months later, I was telling our daughter about the offer of the air fryer and how proud of myself I was for saying no. I was surprised when she responded with “Mom, I want the air fryer!”
David visited his mom recently and brought the air fryer back with him. When I told Maya that we have the air fryer for her she said she no longer needs it as her new housemate has an air fryer. This sounded so familiar, just like the dog and every other thing we have gotten because she wanted it and then changed her mind. Now I have this appliance that looks like a spaceship sitting on my countertop. No problem, I found a corner in the basement for it.
My mother-in-law called a few days later and asked if I had used the air fryer yet and I said no, but I would. She called a week after that and asked again if I had tried it yet and again, I promised I would. The pressure was on, so I decided to give it a try.
Stay tuned for the rest of the Air Fryer story.
Sending you all lots of love.