Shop like a Superhero to Fight Inflation

I read somewhere that Canadians talk about the weather more than any other topic, and for good reason.  We can experience rain, sleet, snow, and a vast change in temperature all within a 24-hour period.  However, the last few months have given us a new topic ­— inflation.  Gas prices are at a historic high and our grocery bills are noticeably higher today than they were for the same items purchased a year ago.

With food prices escalating, my superhero skills at grocery shopping have kicked into high gear.  I will admit that I love grocery shopping, so much so that my daughter teases me relentlessly about it.

Here's how I’m taking on the challenge of staying on budget while eating well.  I have pretty much memorized the sale prices from a few years ago of the items we buy regularly, and I try to get as close to those prices as possible.   How?   First, I use a grocery app.  My preferred grocery shopping app is Reebee, but there are many, and if you search you will find one that works for your geographical area. My app tells me what items are on sale at my local grocery stores, and allows me to make my shopping list right within the app.

Secondly, I use my favourite recipe site to find recipes for items that are on sale.  I love changing up our menu and trying new things, so this really works for us.  A few weeks ago, ground beef was on sale, so I made a deconstructed cabbage roll casserole which you can find here. We ate half and froze the other half.  Yesterday, we ate the half that had been frozen, and it was even better than the freshly cooked batch.

Last but not least, I have been throwing less food in the garbage.  One of many things I learned from the HomeStay guests I have hosted from around the globe is that they were much more careful than I not to waste food.  I now buy less food and we eat what I buy.  With all these cost savings measures I have managed to keep my grocery bills under control.

Yes, I love shopping for food, and I love to eat well, but with today’s prices you need to put on your superhero cape and your mask (for more reasons than one), before you head to the grocery store.


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