A Coffee Story
I was introduced to my perfect cup of coffee by a dear homestay guest from Brazil. I tried many different brewing methods but was never quite happy with the results. I even tried two different machines that use those expensive pods. They were fine, but they were definitely not eco-friendly.
Everything in my coffee-making world changed when I asked my guest from Brazil how she made coffee at home. After all, Brazil is the top coffee-producing country in the world. She told me about a simple method whereby a “thing” sits on top of the cup with the coffee grains and filters the hot water. Simple enough, but for some reason, I couldn’t grasp what she was explaining to me. She offered to have her boyfriend bring me one of these “things” when he came to visit.
When her boyfriend arrived with the coffee-making equipment, I immediately recognized it but had never tried it in the past. I later learned that this is called the “pour-over method”. I instantly became a convert, and this is now the only way I make coffee.
Shortly after I started using the pour-over method, my mother was lamenting about her problematic and complicated coffee machine. I told her about my newfound love, and she too started using this method. Actually, I have become somewhat of an evangelist (hence this article) for the pour-over method of making coffee and now have quite a few converts.
Thank you, my homestay daughter, from the south of Brazil!
Sending you all lots of love.