Dedicated To Two John Lewis’s

I was never a cat person, then John-Lewis came into our lives.

During our first major Covid-19 lock-down in the spring of 2020, our daughter (Maya) was still living in her university town, in an apartment by herself. She decided to get a cat and my strong objections did not deter her. Of course, I was thinking, where would the cat go when she moved back home? She ended up getting an adorable short-haired black kitten. During the first few days of having the cat, while trying to decide on a name, sadly, Congressman John Lewis the black activist passed away so yes, you guessed it, Maya named the cat John-Lewis because he was a black cat like the real John Lewis. Shortly after getting the cat, Maya decided to move back to Toronto, and David and I volunteered to take the cat for a short time (a few weeks) until she was settled into a place of her own.

Well, one year later we still have John-Lewis and we are totally in love with him. He is bold, affectionate, rambunctious, and he gets into all sorts of trouble. The human John Lewis also got into a lot of trouble as he often stated about himself but, it was good trouble. He was an activist with a big cause. Our John-Lewis is a rebel without a cause.

On July 1st, 2021, Maya moved into her own place in Toronto, and she took John-Lewis with her. She took him while David and I were out. When we got home and he wasn’t there, I felt an indescribable sense of loss and sadness. I took some comfort in knowing that Maya’s housemate also loves cats and works from home so John-Lewis will have a lot of company. He’s a people person, I mean cat.

I still don’t think I’m a cat person, I’m just a big fan of John Lewis, both of them!

By the way, Connor (our dog) was incredibly happy to see the cat go.

I highly recommend that you check out the documentary John Lewis: Good Trouble, about the real black cat who got into good trouble.

Sending you all lots of love.


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