April Showers Bring May Flowers
It’s been raining a lot lately and as someone who loves gardening, I’m hoping that April showers will indeed bring May flowers!
Rain seems to raise unfairly negative images. Take for example the children’s nursery rhyme “Rain, rain, go away, come again another day,” implying the rain as a nuisance I beg to differ; I love the rain! Is there any better way to fall asleep than to the rhythmic sound of raindrops falling on the roof?
Years ago, a friend and I went on vacation to Barbados, and it rained almost every night although the sun came out every day. The vegetation was unusually lush and beautiful due to the nightly rainfalls, and I thought it looked truly magical.
Here in Canada, the spring rain has the big and important job of washing away the dirt and debris left behind after the snow melts. The rain works with the sun to welcome new life from the ground and put leaves on bare branches. The rain sometimes forces us to go inside and take a break, to relax and revive and come back out “as right as rain”.
It’s sort of amusing how many phrases we use to describe the rain.
Do you have a favorite cultural saying about “rain”?