Mother’s Day

As Mother’s Day approaches here in Canada, I find myself reflecting on my time as a homestay mom to so many guests from around the world.

When my daughter went off to university, it left a void in my daily life. I missed the day-to-day activities that come with being a mom of someone who still lives at home. Welcoming students into my home was a perfect answer for me.

My guests were all traveling from a great distance. They arrived tired and unsure of just about everything. I imagined what it would be like for my own daughter if she were to homestay in another country with a strange family. That thought made it quite easy for me to give the care, affection and nurturing that hopefully calmed the anxieties of my new arrivals and made them feel at home.

A few students broke down in tears as I showed them around their new home. Every maternal instinct I had and didn’t know I had did not fail me. This might sound strange, but I am grateful for all the not-so-smooth experiences with my homestay guests because they helped me to grow, not just as a mother, but as a woman.

I was honored and blessed to have these experiences. I am still in touch with many of my homestay children and I am grateful to them for allowing me to be their surrogate mom. I’m happy to say there were also some tears when they were leaving.

Sending you all lots of love.


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