My Hair Loves Canadian Bacon!

Did you happen to catch the episode of NBC's This is Us where Kevin’s girlfriend Zoe tells Kevin that she has forgotten her silk pillowcase? To recap; “She doesn’t know if she has the bandwidth to explain to him that forgetting her silk pillowcase isn’t a problem because she’s bougie and won’t sleep on hotel pillowcases — she needs it because it keeps her hair from drying out..."


I truly felt Zoe's pain. My commitment to take the best possible care of my hair comes and goes. My intentions are good, but I have no staying power. Last fall, I decided that this winter would be different. The cold, dry winter conditions are the worst possible for my hair - and I was determined that my hair would not see the light of day while outside in the cold.


I have fine tightly coiled hair which makes it dry and fragile. It is dry because my natural oils are not able to easily move down the shafts of the hair, and the combination of dry and fine strands results in breakage if not handled carefully. Add to this the abuse my hair has sustained over the years with every new type of chemical and heat straightener that came on the market – I’m sure you can understand my frustrations.


In a very informative article, Allure magazine shows the chart for curly hair that is based on a numbering system and starts with hair type 3A and ends at 4C. I’m a 4C gal, a hair type that requires a lot of tender loving care. When not straightened, it shrinks to about 75 to 80 percent of its true length and is never very shiny as the tight coils don’t reflect the light. On the upside, it has the benefit of a multitude of styling options.


Being older and wiser, I have embraced my natural hair and now look for ways to protect it from its natural enemies. My most recent find is this satin-lined toque sold by Canadian Bacon Apparel - and I just love it! I actually did a happy dance when my toque arrived. Wearing a satin-lined toque keeps my hair from drying out and the silkiness of the toque’s lining also prevents friction, which can lead to breakage.


Wearing this hat is like having all the benefits of a silk pillowcase while you're out and about - and looking absolutely fabulous!


Cold dry air? Bring it on.


Your HomeStay Mom,


Books and Soup and Lying Low


HAPPY NEW YEAR… pandemic style