HAPPY NEW YEAR… pandemic style

On New Year's Day, I mentioned something to my husband about being happy to see 2021 in the rear-view mirror and he piped in that 2021 was a particularly good year for him. I had to agree that for him it was indeed a good year. He has been healthy (our entire family has been blessed with good health), and he worked all year in a job he loves. However, for many of us, it has been a challenging time and we look forward to a much lighter and brighter 2022.

By now we are used to the onslaught of bad news - health challenges, economic challenges, lifestyle restrictions, etc., etc.  Many of these trials will continue into 2022 but, I choose to believe that we will triumph and be stronger in the end.

International travel has become extremely complicated, with ever-changing requirements depending on the country. My sister travelled from Canada to England and Scotland in December, and I saw firsthand her stress level hit the roof when she found out the day before her flight that the rules had changed yet again, and she needed to get another COVID test. Off she ran to the testing centre and luckily it all worked out.

For those of you planning a trip abroad, I hope you will continue with your plans. Be patient, do your research and forge ahead. For my readers who live abroad, I hope you will choose Toronto and choose homestay. If you are considering homestay in Toronto, I would be happy to help with any questions you might have.

Before the pandemic, January was typically a busy time in our home when we would welcome the arrival of international students who were starting a new semester after the holidays.  I must admit that I do miss those days.

So, with hope and optimism in our hearts - Here’s to you! To your success, health, happiness, and travels in 2022!!
Your HomeStay Mom,


My Hair Loves Canadian Bacon!


Supply Chain Shortages