Supply Chain Shortages

“Supply Chain Shortages." This phrase is everywhere lately. What does it mean? Apparently, the global manufacturing and transportation sectors are suffering from a largely Covid-caused crunch. Labour is in short supply, parts like microchips are unavailable, and goods are being left stranded in containers on docksides around the world.

But what this news is really doing is priming us to panic about Christmas shopping. We are being told to start early and be prepared not to find the items we want, and that those we do find will be at a much higher price than previously. What are we to do? Here is an idea. How about if we skip the stuff and just be with each other?

I love finding the silver lining to the obstacles life throws at us, and this one is easy. Instead of running from shop to shop looking for gifts and worrying about the supply chain, how about if we get back to the basics. Get back to something we already have in large supply to give, the gift of love. There is a never-ending supply that flows freely, no supply chain shortages to worry about.

But for those of us who need to get our shopping fix, here are my suggestions:

1. Shop local – Right in your community, there are artisans with unique products that would make wonderful gifts.

2. Make your gift out of items you have around the house or in your pantry.

3. Buy pre-owned. Facebook Marketplace is a gold mine of products new and used that are usually half the price of what you would pay in the stores. Not only are you overcoming the supply chain shortages problem, but you are also helping the environment by giving a second life to things that may have ended up in our landfills.

Supply Chain problems solved!
Your HomeStay Mom,


HAPPY NEW YEAR… pandemic style


Come On In, But Lose The Shoes