Our family had been “staycationing” since the beginning of the pandemic, but in August we finally took our first trip. Our niece was getting married on Vancouver Island in B.C. where she lives, so this was definitely a trip to take and one that we had looked forward to for over a year. The entire vacation and the wedding were a big success, and we will remember them with great fondness for years to come. 

The wedding took place in Comox which is a small regional district of approximately 10,000 people on the southern coast of Vancouver Island.  At first, we tried to book a flight directly to Comox but we quickly found out that to fly into such a small region is very expensive. Our travel agent suggested that instead we should fly to Vancouver, rent a car at the Vancouver airport and take the ferry from Vancouver to Nanaimo. We could then drive from Nanaimo to Comox.  This was a game changer for us as we would not only save a lot of money but also get to see a bit of the countryside. Maybe we would even get to try a Nanaimo bar (a delicious treat) while in Nanaimo  https://www.nanaimo.ca/about-nanaimo/nanaimo-bars.

The ferry ride took about two hours. We had hoped to see a whale or two but had no luck on this particular day.  The weather wasn’t great for the crossing either as it was drizzly and windy, with poor visibility of the spectacular mountains we knew were there, so even though I had my photographer husband with me, we were not able to get great pics. The photo below shows what we would have seen on a clear day.

Photo by Jake Warren

And, oh yes, by the time we got to Nanaimo I had forgotten about the delicious treat and only had one thing on my mind — hair gel. Find out why in my next post.



The Big Chop


This is what I’m talking about!