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I Still Have A Stomach Ache
I had an encounter last summer that still gives me a stomach ache when I think about it.

…if you haven’t started your Christmas shopping, not to worry, I got you!

The Big Chop
It all started on a windy day last spring when I walked in the door and my daughter (Maya) looked at me and started laughing.


This is what I’m talking about!

Happy Father’s Day!
To the biological and non-biological fathers, big brothers, uncles, and all male members of the village it takes to raise our children.

A Long Weekend Home Getaway
With gas prices sky-high, many of us will be staying close to home this long weekend. Here are some suggestions on how to make your backyard, patio, or balcony a mini vacation spot.

7 Mother’s Day MUST-HAVES!
If you don’t get something you love from a loved one for Mother’s Day, here are a few things that you can pick up for yourself, not just for Mother’s Day but for any day – for M(others) Day!

Shop like a Superhero to Fight Inflation
Here's how I’m taking on the challenge of staying on budget while eating well.

From Roadkill to Loungewear
This past Valentine's Day my husband David and I were musing about the best gift he has ever given me, and it had nothing to do with Valentine or a birthday or even Christmas.

Books and Soup and Lying Low
There has also been a lot more snow than usual. Our big storm a couple of weeks ago dumped 55 centimetres over a 15-hour period. Here is how I weathered the storm.

My Hair Loves Canadian Bacon!
I have fine tightly coiled hair which makes it dry and fragile. Add to this the abuse my hair has sustained over the years with every new type of chemical and heat straightener that came on the market – I’m sure you can understand my frustrations.

HAPPY NEW YEAR… pandemic style
By now we are used to the onslaught of bad news - health challenges, economic challenges, lifestyle restrictions, etc., etc. Many of these trials will continue into 2022 but, I choose to believe that we will triumph and be stronger in the end.

Supply Chain Shortages
“Supply Chain Shortages." This phrase is everywhere lately. What does it mean?

Come On In, But Lose The Shoes
I bought a new pair of shoes this week, and after bringing them home from the store, I decided to walk around in the house with them on for a while to see if they still felt comfortable. Having outside shoes on in the house felt strange as we are a 'no outside shoes on in the house' family.

As summer turns to fall, I look forward to the spectacular colors of the trees. There is one majestic maple tree that stands above the rest and is in full view from my bedroom window. It is the first to start changing colors in the fall and is my gentle reminder that winter is fast approaching.

The Making Of A “4Lifer”
I learned a new phrase this week. Mainly used by millennials and Gen Z’s, '4lifers’ means those people – friends or family - who will always be in your heart as long as you both live.

Air Fryer-ing Follow-up
For those of you who had a chance to read my August 21st newsletter, you will remember my air-fryer saga and as promised you will find the rest of the story here.
Air Fryer-ing
My mother-in-law loves to cook, and she is particularly good at it. She also loves to try the latest and greatest in countertop appliances. The problem is that she doesn’t use them, and she often ends up 'donating' them to us.

My Glimpse Into Japanese Culture
Watching the summer Olympic games taking place in Tokyo brought back some wonderful memories of our Japanese guests over the years. Our guests gave us a unique cultural perspective that not even a two or three-week holiday to Japan could offer.

From Homebody To Homestay Host
How it all began.
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